How the Myth Relates to Our Evolution - Part 2 Re-Membering the Narrative

Part 2 - How the Myth Relates to Our (R)Evolution: Re-Membering the Narrative

The richness and depth of our shared experiences have not been lost. The perspectives, stories, dreams, and myths contributed during the Solstice of 2020, along with every heart that has witnessed and been touched by this process since then, have been planted in the seed of the collective dream. This seed has been growing roots, connecting with its environment to lay the foundation for nutrient delivery and structural support of the tree. This process is a mythical enactment of collective co-creation, representing major thresholds of transformation. Myths transcend space and time, and to emerge in the physical realm, they follow nature’s cycles, alchemizing wounds and shadows into gifts.

On December 21, 2020, we prayed for a space where earth lovers could co-create a home base for rediscovering, preserving, and embodying generational earth wisdom. We called it an Activation Integration Station, intended as an experiential experimentation portal. This place serves as a grounding environment for emergent governance systems newly developed in online Web3 blockchain communities, connecting people to the healing power of the elements as they work and pray with the plants, the earth, and each other. The intuitive navigation systems of heart and service-based listening have always been part of this collective dream’s DNA.

Guided by our hearts and navigating with the astrological cycles, we can see that we are informed by those that came before us. An example is the idealism prevalent in the 1960s “Age of Aquarius” counterculture movement, their vision foresaw a time when collective awareness would reach a significant crossroads with the cultural status quo. At this juncture, the choice for (r)evolution/returning would shift from a “should” to a “must” based on experiential wisdom. Many of us now are experiencing the splitting of two trains and as the two trains’ paths diverge more and more there is less ability to be in both worlds. Pluto in astrology is a signifier of collective transformation and the depth process that is supported by the planets. In November of 2024 Pluto is fully entering Aquarius from the western or tropical astrological viewpoint without dipping back into Capricorn during the retrograde cycles. As we witness governments becoming too heavy under their own weight and the deepening corporate ownership of lands and resources, we see that we are in the midst of this mythical threshold time. This period, while extensive in human terms due to the mythical embodiment process (and reflected in the roughly 15 year variance for when Pluto enters Aquarius in vedic or sidereal astrology), is closing.

The collective myth of the “Summer of 1969” took 51 years to mature into the prayer of the “Winter of 2020,” encompassing many smaller cycles and lessons along the journey. This aligns with the time it takes for the asteroid Chiron, the mythical wounded healer, to return to its 1969 position. The myth of an Enlightened Age, or a return to our rightful place as creators of our own story, has roots in rituals and stories predating the Bible, stretching back to the mythical stories of Lemuria and Atlantis as explored by Rudolf Steiner in his book Cosmic Memory.

The Journey of the Myth

The beauty of the myth lies in its journey from innocence and connection, through separation from natural wisdom as intellect developed and marked by dependence on the mind, to a return to natural wisdom with integrated mental, emotional and physical experiences. Finding beauty in the pain of separation is the gift of the journey and fuels the integration of the gift into the enlightened siddhi, or superpower. This story arc resembles the embedded messages in popular Disney fairytales, where the symbolism is often lost and the stories’ points obscured. This has led to the indoctrination and programming of populations to forget their role as heart-centered creators of the collective narrative, becoming consumers of egoic “power-over” narratives influenced by external forces. This journey from innocence to creator (of life and destruction) to wise elder is the mythical story arc of the feminine aspect of human awareness and embodiment. Both men and women share this storyline, with those born in female bodies unfolding its expression, while those born in male bodies integrate the unconscious inner landscape of this story into their masculine expression. The male mythological journey has a different organization and will be discussed in a separate post for length’s sake.

Everyone who has come to Diamante Luz, and by extension the DBC (which serves as a bridge for interdependence and interoperability of earth regenerating land nodes with emergent crypto technology and Decentralized Autonomous Organization governance methods to create generational stability), is embodying and integrating this collective coordination process. Whether they fully understood the depths and heights they would need to navigate or not, all have answered the call to this lighthouse for Collective Re-Membering. We are all walking the integration of masculine and feminine journeys, moving closer to the divine union of our outer expressions and inner worlds, working and playing together in harmony.

As with all good myths, those who undertake these initiations do so for the benefit of the whole. As we encountered, felt, listened, and expressed the formation of the container for universal unconditional love on the Winter Solstice of 2020, we began an unfolding process with many nested cycles. From one cyclical perspective, we have reached the halfway mark of a 7-year cycle, reflecting natural human relational development cycles. We have reached the top of one mountain and the bottom of one cave, seeing as far and as deep as needed for the next steps. Now, it is time to return to the tribe with the gifts found, contributing to the collective “stone soup.”

Part 3 - Current Iteration: Where We Are Now and What the Next Steps Are - Coming Soon!

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