Category Topics

Who Are We?

Welcome to the Diamante Bridge Collective / Bienvenidas a la Puente Diamante Colectiva!
(Vea a continuación la versión en español)


What is a Proposal?
A Proposal is a request to meet a need, harness an opportunity, or solve a problem that is brought forth by an individual, circle, or group. Proposals can be made in verbal or written form depending on the complexity of the request.
A proposal may be as simple as a DBC member requesting compensation for fixing one of the DBC trucks. A clear request such as this may be passed quickly by obtaining agreement within appropriate governing circle meetings.
A proposal requiring more input and time will need to first go through the “Advice Process” to raise awareness, identify impacted parties, and obtain additional perspectives. Examples include requesting a consistent budget for a new role, a building request or the offering of a new system of tools to support the whole community. Proposals that need to provide clarifying information are subjected to an advice process to solicit objections and work toward agreement. This is to ensure that all voices are recognized when making decisions that have a larger impact on the whole.

Funding & Administration

This category is for topics that require the attention of the Funding Administrators, or are requesting a decision to be made that needs to go through our sociocratic governance process.

Circulo de Empresa Regenerativa

Esta categoría es para temas relacionados con el círculo de DBC para empresas regenerativas.

Children's Village

This category is for discussing ideas, soliciting advice on proposals, and voting when appropriate to approve actions toward the creation, care and continuing counsel of the Children’s Village Circle.

Site Feedback

Discussion about this site, its organization, how it works, and how we can improve it.