How does DBC and DLuz allocate crypto income and turn it into stipend cash?

This is a pressing issue.

Dani is going to the States from Jan 2 through Jan 11.

Financial administrators, we’ve got to come with a solution for allocating crypto funding to projects and invoices then paying them out that doesn’t include Dani’s personal accounts :slight_smile:

Ideas? Offers? Requests?


AHHGGG! I wish there was a good obvious solution. FOR NOW, all I can think is to keep using all those that have Credit cards and banks / ATM ability to keep being intermediaries. I have been trying to renew my banking for 6+ months and would happily assist in the selling crypto/to exchange/to bank/to ATM/to us. For now, I think we just need more people who can help and be go-betweens…? But I’m very open to other ideas.

How can we help HOTL in DOMI create this Bridge!!?? Seriously, do we have his contact info and can we assist in any way?

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I may be able to be an intermediary.

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You can intermediary for Cash to Crypto? Or for us to HOLT/HOTL in Domi and his new technology? Either way, thank you!

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@Danibelle - how do we contact HOLT in Domi?

I have his gf’s number.

Holt has a new job and is less accessible.

APDC Bank Account is the next critical step.
Also, meeting with Bryan at SDG Impact to line out a new payment tool that gives us more flexibility, faster turnaround, better reporting for donations moving from crypto to cash… solutions are on the horizon.

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Hey team! I am wondering if there are any new updates on this proposal, I see that last update/comment was made by @Danibelle - solutions were on the horizon 23 days ago. :blush:

Great! We are moving forward on the APDC Bank Account. What is it we could do/request from Bryan @ SDG? @Danibelle did you contact SDG?

Tomorrow I will be Selling xDAi / ETH or swapping those to BTC with Vyola from CHirripo. We will get $5,000 Plus and not have to sell and GIV. Sent 65,085 GIV to OTC.xDAI.GIv Wallet.

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I will be meeting with Bryan of SDG Impact Fund tomorrow regarding the Giveth Foundation DAF.

Looking to learn more about how their organization is progressing on technology updates, as well as any improvements to their payouts and communications processes.

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How did this go? Did you ask anything about their super cluncky donation portals? Can those be updated? And how / what were the responses to your questions?

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Yes. We talked about how to create a simple interface for donors that allows for any kind of donation to be submitted via a form that states what project, circle, or other initiative the funds are to be used for, and also about how to capture and deliver that information if a donor clicks on the SDG Fund donation portal links from within a project on the Giveth platform.

The answers are not yet known because that meeting was for the Giveth Foundation with an intention of handing off the coordinator responsibility (which I still held) to a new team member at Giveth focused on Donor Relations.

When we have a person at the DBC who can take that responsibility, they can work together to get those answers for DLuz, DBC, and future DAF’s to be cocreated in the future.

Hola - Any progress on this? Did the Giveth Foundation create a system that DLuz Foundation / DBC can copy for SDG’s terrible donations portal? AND FYI - I started a convo with Bryan today too. he’s travelling, but I will again inquire if we can get a good wiget or copy someone elses.

I think we have to be the ones to initiate this - set up a DBC online payments portal like Stripe – all of these things require us to have an appropriate bank account solution.

Maybe we can set up one of these using a DLuz Foundation / SDG account that would be REALLY cool.