Hello everyone!
This post is to serve as an example of how to solicit advice from the Collective regarding a Land Stewardship Agreement for a land node. In this case, it is I, Dani, opening a comment period before signing my agreement with Tim and Tien for Diamante Luz.
Tim, Tien and I have agreed to the terms, and the Land Stewardship Circle has already provided their input to where I believe it’s ready to be signed. To be clear this is an advice process and while I’m asking for your feedback, questions and suggestions, a sociocratic “objection” by someone not party to the agreement itself does not constitute a blocker from proceeding as it is a land-node-specific contract ultimately between the stewards of Diamante Luz.
So here it is!
Click here to view the doc in PDF format: Danibelle’s DLuz Land Stewardship Agreement
Here are some important things to note:
I have completed a full year of service to the land, living in the immediate vicinity with the DLuz stewards, and an additional 6 months previous to that year contributing my skilled services to the development of our foundational agreements and processes. This places me halfway through a second year of stewardship to DLuz the land node, applicable as well as to the DBC.
Allocation of Funds and Shares
- 31.2% goes to the Commons Land & Infrastructure program
- 16.6% goes to Watershed and Primary Forest Protection program
- This combined 47.8% remains autonomous yet within the sociocratically governed and non-profit foundation for the Commons usage and vital land protection to be administered by the Diamante Luz Foundation and advised by the DBC.
- The remaining 52.2% will serve to guarantee Danielle Gennety the ability to build, live, cohabitate, grow on, potentially sell back to the foundation, or other approved buyers no more than 3,000 Square meters (3/10th Hectare) inside the habitation zone of Diamante Luz.
- The Diamante Luz Foundation and it’s counsel reserve first right of refusal on any buy back options.
- The Diamante Luz Foundation and it’s counsel reserve the right to approve or disapprove of any future buyer.
Decolonization Clause - 1 for me, 2 for you
Upon delivery of $28,000 USD to TSquared Corporation, the $8000 deposit shall be treated as a donation to a scholarship fund designated for allocation of 2/10 hectare and equivalent soil shares to 2 Costa Rica nationals that have acquired standing with Diamante Luz through service to the land, waters and/or people of the DBC.
- Waiving the 48% donation to Forest Preservation and Commons Stewardship funds for an additional 2/10 hec
- Granting 2 individuals 1/10 hectare land stewardship rights as qualified and selected through sociocratic process within the Diamante Luz Foundation.
Decommodification Clause – This land is never for sale
“the 52.2% for which Danielle holds the rights to, will be either donated to the Diamante Luz Foundation or bought back by the Foundation at the value equivalent to the price set forth in this contract at 0% interest per year for all years 3 through year 13 minimum, without a reduction of rights and/or responsibilities established within this and subsequent agreements.”
A Right to use with A Responsibility to listen to the land, and speak for it
Danielle “will have an equal voice in the process by which public lands/waters, common spaces/infrastructure, and private habitation zones shall be governed in accordance with vision, mission and values of the Diamante Luz Foundation and in alliance with the Diamante Bridge Collective.”
Commitment to Participate and/or Delegate Vote
Owning shares in the corporation comes with rights to (and a responsibility to participate in or otherwise delegate those rights) the sociocratic model of organized collective empowerment and group decision making for decisions including but not limited to community governance, investment, maintenance & improvements.
Right to invest and improve without liability for recompense
- On the land associated with purchased shares, the individual or family has the rights to invest and further improve with buildings, landscaping, and plantings with TSquared/DLuz Corporation members review and consent, as guided by the vision and mission of Diamante Luz Foundation
- Any investments made to improve the property value will be considered a gift to the Diamante Luz land stewardship community. The corporation is not liable or responsible for any loss in investment on improvements.
- There are no rights to sell the property and improvements separate from or outside of the corporation.
- Community review is for vision and mission alignment as well as aesthetic standards, energetic balance, and ecological respect by sociocratic consent.
Failure to comply clause
The Foundation (and/or established governing circles to be further implemented) retains the right to revoke land use privileges in the case of repeated violations of agreements and unwillingness to comply with the agreement process.
Progeny clause
Future generations or heirs will be fully able to retain these land use rights (within CFA) as long as they are aligned with the spirit of this agreement, and commit to uphold it. If they are not in agreement with the basic principles set forth in the governing documents, they forfeit rights to the land use and agree to donate remaining shares back to the foundation.
OK I know it’s a lot! And - what isn’t clear? Anything questionable?
Please add your comments by replying here in the forum!