Cryptogether requesting funds

DBC Fund Request for work in Cryptogether- DAVE L

This regenerative enterprise started out as an unknown whether it would work out well but we had many resources and Intel gave us confidence that we could create wealth in the crypto space with low risk and high reward compared to standard buy and sell in the crypto market.

We were able to turn 280usd into as high of over 9000USD before the market had its downward movement recently. As of 28/Jan/2022 profits are approx. 3800USD

Of-course the price of BTC affects the price of tokens.

By getting tokens Pre-sale or at IDO price we are able to greatly reduce risk of loss as coins often do a minimum of 5-10X on the launch and some go as high as 1200x(MetaVpad did that).

On the launch we sell a portion of what tokens we have available to cover the original cost and the rest is profits as the tokens become available for claiming and selling

This project so far has 10 people involved in profit sharing and also the DBC has a fair percentage of profit sharing moving forward with future projects.

The original investments that were sent in for Gzone staking are at an un-realized loss. It was originally at 19,860$ (4744.9$ of that coming from the DBC) in November 2021 and now valued at 3400USD (DBC is at 802$) - 03/Feb/2022 due to the price of Gzone falling. This would be a wise strategy to wait for Crypto market to recover before selling any of these, In the meantime we can still participate in more IDOs.

My personal tasks for championing this group has been:

Research and development,

Gathering resources and sharing with group,

Lead on launch execution,

Creating and filling spreadsheets and data,

Sharing project with future investors,

Creating votes for the group to help solidify decision making together,

Daily Re-staking tasks and other coin staking tasks

The beautiful thing about this project is that we have proven that it does work. We can make money in the crypto space this way and it can be repeated as a regenerative enterprise. This model can be taught and re-done for those who would be interested in having a part in it or lead it.

This project started NOV 17th and I have been working steady on this since then. Also I have been sacrificing sleep in order to participate in launches.

I am asking for financial support for the month of DEC for 300$ and also for Jan for 300$. Also a monthly 300$ in the future to be taking care of this group as financial support for managing and overseeing this entire group/project.

This would be very helpful personally to help fulfill basic needs.

Thank you

PS: The part I edited is in italics and bold


Just want to say I want to be included on next IDO opportunity :pray:


Hi Randal,
Yes lets talk more privately I would like to know about what you have in mind. Cheers

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I just want to add… I see Dave L working on this for many hours and much discussion and research.


I am wondering where are we in the process with this proposal and would propose @DLCrypto push forward with reaching a status for this proposal. :wink: Is there an update?

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Hi Nikola,

So maybe a month ago this proposal was shared in a meeting. I felt very uncomfortable sharing this proposal and embarrassed as I am asking for funding to support me when my regenerative enterprize is not producing funds and that is its goal.

I shared it anyways…

I would love to be paid for my efforts although I find it hard to be justify that when results are not showing.

There was one objection during the meeting. Tim mentionned “He does not believe this should be paid from the DBC” and mentioned something about people should be learning to do this themselves(paraphrasing) and I believe he was refering to money management as well as my memory goes.

After this nothing was followed up directly corelating to this proposal.

Danibelle has expressed her love and support that she wants to support me, although it is not clear at this point what that looks like and what Ill be doing…

Generally I am feeling overwhelmed with this project and low motivation as I oscilate between doing my best to create wealth to pay my bills and working this project that hardly makes any sense at this point and testing my faith and patience.

It seems like I have much resistance to success and it driving me fricking nuts so much so that I want to scream from rooftops… which i did this morning.

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