Bridge Wednesdays in 2023 - Programming Schedule APPROVED

PROPOSAL: Revise the purpose of our weekly Wednesday circle meetings to focus on defining and achieving our goals:

First Wed: General Circle, Togethering Place (or alternate when proposed/approved)
Second Wed: Workshop Series (starting with Glauco’s)
Third Wed: Regenerative Action Day, various locations in the vicinity
Fourth/Fifth Wed: Proposal and Project Advice Process Sessions

*It will be incumbent upon proposal champions, project owners, and circle leads to take accountability for organizing meetings and work sessions, documenting the advice process and scheduling discussion points for obtaining approvals at the Circle level, and bringing agenda items to the monthly General Circle then when applicable, a quarterly Board meeting.

**Monthly General Circle and Quarterly Board Meetings will have agenda’s prepared in advance, and items for the agenda must demonstrate their preparedness by sharing the relevant forum post at least 24 hours and preferably 72 hours before the meeting.

CONTEXT: The DBC has been meeting weekly for 2 years now! Initially on both Mondays and Wednesdays, we shifted the flow in 2022 so that Mondays are hands on land days and Wednesdays are souls in circle days. Each week of the month was designated to a different circle, with 1st week General, 2nd week Funding/Admin, 3rd week Regenterprise, and 4th week Land Stewardship.

At the General Circle Meeting on January 4th, we agreed to open Second Wednesdays up for DBC Communication Practice, as proposed by Glauco in this forum post. Now is time to map out our schedule for the new year!

DRIVER: Our focus is narrowing this year and we want to be skilled and efficient with how we communicate information, plan activities and coordinate toward our goals.

Change the structure of our monthly meetings to include interpersonal skill building and developing relations with our extended community.


Here is the proposal currently being drafted. If you have questions, comments, suggestions or objections please reply to this post to express them.


Bringing this to the top! Let’s plan out the next months of Wednesdays!